Capital Punishment Homepage
Provide American people with correct information about Capital Punishment in the United States of America. Many people are not aware of the costs of Capital Punishment. This design intends to inform people with real facts and invites them to take action after conducting their own research.
Young male and females between the ages of 18-35 who live in the United States of America. These individuals know what capital punishment is, but not know have much knowledge on the subject.They don't have a strong opinion, but are seeking to know more. They are passionate about human rights and concerned about the impacts of the death penalty on America.
Researching various data about the Death Penalty, I collected data from the Death Penalty Information Center, which was rich with facts, research, graphs, and numbers. I thought about three main questions while I assembled the data: what information would be most important for my target audience, what order would make the most sense to my target audience, and how would the information tell a story.
After assembling all of the information I could use, I determined which topics would be most impactful to my target audience. I divided the page into different sections: history of capital punishment, cost, decrease of execution in recent year, and innocent lives. I conducted a card sort to observe how people thought the information should be organized. The majority of people thought the order should go as follows: history, recent years, innocent lives, and cost.
I combined images and icons to provide my target audience with graphics to help illustrate the data. I used cool colors to demonstrate a neutral point of view and a somber topic. The graphs, images, and icons help to make the data simple and visually interesting. As I iterated through sketching and digital drafts, I sought out people of my target audience to gain their feedback. Most of my feedback included clarifying the data and using visuals to support the information.
As I kept the visuals and wording simple, the design became stronger and communicated more clearly. Simplicity helped people of the target audience process the information more effectively. I was able to reach my goal of using the most relevant information, organizing it in a cohesive manner, and letting the information tell a story.
Capital Punishment Full Home Screen